Quarterly magazine payments due to District Financial Secretary
Please send submissions to the League Letter Editor at editor@midsouthlwml.org and also to webmaster@midsouthlwml.org.
Kindly review submission guidelines at LWMLMSDSubmissionGuidelinesForPublications.pdf (midsouthlwml.org)
The names the District Convention Delegates (2 per church plus alternates) are due to the Zone President
The names of the District Convention Delegates (2 per church plus alternates) are due to the District President
Please send submissions to the League Letter Editor at editor@midsouthlwml.org and also to webmaster@midsouthlwml.org.
Kindly review submission guidelines at LWMLMSDSubmissionGuidelinesForPublications.pdf (midsouthlwml.org)
Zone rally and event forms are due to the District President
Please send submissions to the League Letter Editor at editor@midsouthlwml.org and also to webmaster@midsouthlwml.org.
Kindly review submission guidelines at LWMLMSDSubmissionGuidelinesForPublications.pdf (midsouthlwml.org)
Quarterly magazine counts are due to the Zone President
Quarterly magazine counts due to the 2nd Vice President